4 Easy Ways to Make Money Without a Degree

Having a degree creates more options, it doesn’t mean you can’t make money and live a decent life. I dropped out of college during the last year of my studies. Look at me! I’m not whining, I’m actually making enough money to afford everything I want. Hey! Let’s not get too crazy with ideas like you don’t have a limo, a private jet, a yacht, yadda yadda. I just know my limits. At one point in time I wanted to pick it up a notch so I got myself another job, without a degree.
Eventually I got to a point where I have everything I want, I can have everything I want and I’m happy with what I do for a living.
Finish a Few Weeks Long Course – Become a Craftsman
Back in the days when I dropped out of college, I knew I had to find a job and find one as soon as possible. Being the geek I am and the eye to hand coordination I have I had a hunch that I can do something with them. I went to the local shop, I bought some tools, some material and got into my parents’ garage. Lo and behold, I started crafting gadgets that eventually turned into a mini-business. You know what Cosplay is? It’s when a person dresses like some movie or comic book character. That’s the simplest description I can give. People heard about what I was doing and started ordering replicas from weapons, gadgets, helmets, metal armors etc. Now, if you don’t have the skills don’t despair. Most likely there’s a local center that will provide you with guidance, tutorials and they’ll let you practice a bit. The bottom line is, there’s always youtube.com. Today it’s a lot easier to get access to information. Since I liked what I did and I had the means to do it, becoming a craftsman was the first of a lot of easy ways to make money that came to mind.
Do You Have a Hobby? – Why Not Turn It Into an Occupation
There must be something! Anything! It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as somebody is willing to pay attention. Some people are into football, others like art and then there are those need. People who are in need for an advice, a heads up virtually anything you can profit. Blogging is your best solution and probably the easiest way to make money without a degree. You’re at home, you know something about a particular area. Start your own blog and write about it. You’ll be making $5,000 to $10,000 in a year or so. It’s a long way to go, but once you’re there you might as well start another one. In 4 years, that’s $20,000 roughly speaking. Who said that it takes a degree to make a 6 digit figure per year.
Play the Lottery Full Time – People Actually Live a Decent Life With the Lottery
It’s what I do! Besides some freelancing here and there, playing the lottery is my primary occupation so far. It’s easy. Once you get in the bubble you can’t get out. My approach to playing the lottery turned out to be a successful one. Winnings from the lottery amount to 70% of my salary. It took me a lot of time to get here and I don’t intend to look for a daytime job anytime soon. Playing the lottery is definitely an easy to way to make money. However, you can’t win any if you don’t invest some.
Freelancing – Somebody On the Internet Needs You
Over the past decade the job market wasn’t the best to be honest. Small local businesses bankrupted creating a huge supply of workforce. This made things worse. People who were unemployed, got into a worse situation than the previous one. To top that off, you don’t have a degree. Who’s going to employ somebody without a degree, without any experience and most importantly, who’s going to pay for that?
Well, somebody needs you. I mean, your services, somebody needs your services. Eve if you’re not keen on anything you can spend a couple of hours in front your computer and learn something new. How about coding? Or maybe graphic design? You can become an entry level programmer in less than 6 months with the proper will and information. And it pays well. To be honest, it’s way better than sitting at home living off of welfare or being supported by your parents. Get up! Learn something! Find a job!
If You Don’t Fight For Something You’ll Settle For Anything
I heard this quote from one of my teachers in high school. A few years after I realized what she had in mind and what she was trying to say. If you stay at home and do nothing you’ll settle for anything. Every single thing will look appealing to you. However, if say you start researching about the lottery you won’t want to go and work for a minimum wage job. Now you know more about lottery and you like to make a profit. I can go on and talk about this for hours. In essence, you have to invest some of your time and a tiny portion of your income if you want to make some money. There are easy ways to make money, but the easy part comes at a later stage.