You Know What Christmas Brings? Lottery Scammers’ Activity!

Christmas Holidays and Lottery Scammers' Activity

You know when I think of lottery scammers, I imagine a world full of zombies, ever ready to bite the crap out of you – don’t tell me you haven’t imagined them that way. In the world of lottery, scammers are like zombies, but instead of your flesh and blood, they want your life. Well, it’s somewhat the same thing, but just imagine that you work years to make a fortune and suddenly a lottery scammer runs you dry. A lot of people have succumbed to deadly depression because their life is gone, it flashed right before their eyes and they couldn’t do anything about it.

The worst part is that lottery scammers aren’t physically present, so you can’t see their filthy faces or the smile they give when you’re ready to give them money, this means you literally can’t tell until your bank calls you to declare bankruptcy. I’m not sure why lottery scammers even exist and how they can eat with money they haven’t earned so its right to call them zombies of the lottery world, because they’re harmful, they’re useless, they can’t work, they don’t sleep, and they prey on humans. Accurate description, wouldn’t you say?

Peel Your Eyes for Ex Lottery Scammers

Although these lottery scammers knew that, if caught, their balls will be roasted on a spit for fraudulence, but did it stop them? Nope. They were too confident and they finally blew up. Like big time. Like take a look at this couple of examples:

Hafiz Malik – The Scamming Clerk

Back in June of 2004, a store clerk called Hafiz Malik scammed a customer called Lorraine Teicht out of her winning ticket by swiping it as his own and claiming the fortune six months after the drawing. Soon when Lorraine and her colleagues grew suspicious of the identical ticket they hired a private investigator to look into the matter. It was soon revealed that Hafiz did in fact scam his customer and had banked a fortune worth $6 million!

The Jamaican Lottery Scam

This one is about a 55 year old Lorinda Houtchings, who unfortunately got tangled in summer lottery scam for $2.5 million. The scammer then got arrested early October 2014. Good riddance! LOL

Frank “Fizzy” Onyeachonam

The lottery scammer was known as Fizzy because of his love for champagne! In order to fund a luxurious lifestyle for himself, he extracted up to £600,000 from various pensioners, mainly because there were very vulnerable. As soon as the law found out, he was jailed for eight years for charges of conspiracy to defraud.

So as you can see, lottery scammers always get caught. They always do, but do other lottery scammers learn from their mistake? Nope. To make more money than ever, these lottery scammers scam people on festivals mainly because people are too busy celebrating and when they find out they’ve won, they’d instantly believe it as part of the festival blessing. Don’t get caught up in a lottery scam because you already know it’s not worth it. It’s never worth spending somebody else’s money, I’m sure sane people would agree.

Learn To Identify Lottery Scammers

Remember, the world of lottery is a big fat jungle with lots of psychos ready to get their hands on your precious money.

Your Email Address Has Won 1 Million Pounds!

The most popular lottery scam is emails like these. This is FAKE. It is a SCAM. Next time you see such emails, tick and delete, don’t even bother opening it because not only is it a lottery scam, the grammar also sucks!

I Need Your Help And I’ll Pay You Half

You might have also come across these types of email addresses usually sent by immigrants from different countries wanting your help to store billions of cash. This is a lottery scam that has had many going south so be careful. It’s not worth your time and certainly not your money!

Lottery Software System – You Can Instantly Become A Millionaire, Trust Me – NOT!

Usually these people present themselves as hardworking individuals who have finally cracked the lottery system and have become instantly rich. Ask yourself one question: if you had a software system that makes you rich, would you share it with the world? Nope, sir I wouldn’t! So next time you come across these fake lottery scam software systems, feel sorry for the scammers and delete.

Hello, Congratulations You’ve Won The Lottery!

Sometimes you might think that when people call you personally to congratulate you, it must be true! Well think again! Know that your phone numbers are available online and scammers know how to get them faster than you can say your name. Next time you get a call, tell them you’re recording the entire conversation and that you will report them if they ever call again.

Those are just some of the most common types of techniques that lottery scammers use to run you dry. Try your best not to fall for anything I haven’t mentioned above, and if you do fall for something then you have to act fast.

Deal with Lottery Scammers

The one thing people will always advice is to stay away from scams, to be watchful, to forget about it and be careful next time, to delete emails immediately, not to download any attachments etc., etc., but how many of them actually tell you how to track the lottery scammers?

Gather Information

Do you know their full name, email address, some kind of ID?

Search for More Information

Take that name and Google in this format “[NAME] scam”. Have you tried searching for their alias and screen names? You might come across other people who have successfully identified the scammer.

Scan the Name Online

Assuming you have not seen other people complaining about the scam, go to and type the name of the scammer (the same one they identified themselves with).

Scan Forums

If you come across something, contact the Admin and request the user’s IP Address because they have scammed you and you need to contact their ISP.

Contacting the Scammer for Refunds

Remember, this isn’t only about calling a scammer; it’s about getting your refund too. So you need to be patient, strong and convincing at the same time.

If Everything Fails…

Well, then learn from your mistakes!

A Word to Lottery Scammers


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