5 Ways to Cultivate Faith in Winning the Lottery

One of the most important things I’ve learned about the lottery is that it takes time, effort and dedication to win it. Years of playing, countless attempts to win that jackpot every lottery player is dreaming about. Over the past few years I’ve learned how to keep my spirit high even when Lady Luck is on a vacation. Faith is a funny thing. Depending on your standpoint of view you can either enjoy playing the lottery and win it, or just feel bad about it, even when you win.
The following steps will show you how you too can cultivate faith, the will to win the lottery. But remember, it’s better to jump first, then say hop. In other words, don’t get too into the whole routine and have the money already spent in your head. It doesn’t work like that. You’re doing this for yourself.
Returns Are Not the Only Success Indicator – Think Out of the Box
Yeah, I’ve been there. There were times when my lottery returns sucked big time. It was a rough period for me. I must admit, I felt bad. It wasn’t until I started thinking in a different way. You see, the returns are not the only indicator of success. What ultimately matters is winning the lottery. The returns are there to keep you in the game. It’s not like a $500 win can change your life. No, you want the big time jackpots. Land one of those big wins and you can retire immediately.
You must always think positively. For example, I used to start anticipating a big win after a rough period. Guess what. The prize always arrived. You got to have faith in your lottery play, otherwise, you’re already doomed. I was going to quit on several occasions, but I grew as a person and as a lottery player. Quitting was not on the menu.
Keep a Copy of Your Winning Tickets – Motivation Boost
Well, there are people who need to see it to believe it. That’s the ultimate truth. I started keeping my winning tickets not long ago. To be honest, I always thought that’s some nonsense, but in a manner of days I started believing that this collection will get bigger. I did an analysis of my past performance statistics and it proved that some interesting has happened. Despite prizes becoming scarcer, on average I was making more money. In other words, big prizes become more frequent whereas the little ones became virtually non-existent.
Whenever I win, I scan the ticket and keep it on my computer. You can also make a copy of them and keep them in a box or a drawer. Whenever somebody asks you if you’ve ever won something, just open the drawer and show them. Of course, in the beginning there won’t be much to show, but in time you’ll have a decent collection for sure.
Make a Friend Who Also Plays the Lottery If You Don’t Have One
It is said that if you say it out loud it can happen. And what’s the best person to talk about winning the lottery? Of course, a friend who’s into the lottery. You have no idea how good it feels. I was fortunate to have a friend who’s into lottery long before I even started playing. We meet on a regular basis, we hang out. Bear in mind, he’s not my best friend. He’s the friend I talk about the lottery. That’s it. It ends there. Sure, we crack a joke or two, but nothing personal.
Furthermore, he’d share a tip, an advice if he finds out something new about the lottery we’re playing. He makes the lottery even more interesting, more exciting.
Anticipate the Win in Every Draw – Don’t Get Caught Off Guard
By anticipating I mean have faith that you’re going to win. If you think that the ticket’s a lost cause, you’ve already lost. It’s better to expect it, be hyped about it and once you land the win you can tell yourself “I knew it!” Even if you don’t win don’t wait for somebody to give you a pat on the shoulder. Instead, keep your chin up and buy your tickets for the upcoming draw.
After all, the hardest steel goes through the hottest fire. You see, hope is not a bad thing until you lose it. I mean you literally lose all hope. Then you quit, you start whining around. You can win if you’re acting weak. Act as if you’ve already won, but spend as you’ve never won in your entire life. This is called modesty. It’s a form of modesty, don’t take it literally.
Continuous Improvement Leads to Guaranteed Success
Continuous improvement leads to success in all areas, not only in the lottery. Winning the lottery is a process. Over time you become a better player, but only if you put in some effort. So what does this have to do with cultivating faith and winning the lottery?
Well, the answer is pretty straightforward. Saying it is one, believing it another thing, but actually doing it takes things to a whole different level. If you’re actually spending time to find a way, a new way that will bring you the jackpot, you’re already one step ahead, one step closer.
Think of it this way. The artist paints his whole life. He had faith, he believed that he’s going to go down in history for some of his work. However, usually, the paintings done later in life are way better than the ones made in his young years. It’s the same with the lottery. As time goes on you will get better!
Stay strong and keep your spirit high!