6 Trust-Building Tips to Use in Your Lottery Syndicate
The path to the lottery jackpot is not a paved one. There are bumps and holes that have to be avoided if you want the adventure to be a smooth one. A good way that can speed up your way to the jackpot is to be part of a lottery syndicate. You pool your resources, your knowledge, your experience to win the all desired jackpot together. However, problems can occur. Especially if you don’t trust each other. Trust is a sensitive topic among lottery players when it comes to lottery syndicates. After all, money is in question, and whenever money is involved people become skeptical and suspicious.
Here are 6 ways in which you can embrace the team spirit and remove any issues directly related to distrust.
Include Everyone – Feel Like a Team of Lottery Players
People tend to be hesitant and suspicious when they’re left out. Regardless of the topic that you’re dealing with, be that a meeting or maybe you’re inaugurating a new lottery syndicate member in your team, try to include everyone! How can you do this? Well, notify everyone that there’s a new member. If you have some sort of ceremony, invite everyone. The new member will be delighted for getting all that attention. He/she will owe you for the entire time spent in the lottery syndicate. Furthermore, because every single member is going to be present the team-building has already commenced. Make sure you include everyone, even when you want to share something, be that a problem or an idea. After all, you’re in this together.
Have Regular Meetings – Presence Is Mandatory
Sometimes you just have to kick it up a notch in order to get what you want for the best of all. People like to be controlled. Some of them perform better when they’re submissive. The point is, schedule regular meetings. Note, the presence must be mandatory, otherwise people won’t take you seriously. Half of the members won’t show up. When this happens, you lose integrity, the team disperses, and we don’t want this to happen. The more time you spend together, the more trust there will be. I’m not saying that you should be a family, but it’s OK to feel like one.
The president/chairman of the lottery syndicate should be in charge of the meetings. He/she also must know when it’s okay to call a meeting that will fit in every single member’s private schedule.
Devise a Reward/ Punishment System – Consider Member Opinions
Bear in mind, I’m not saying you should crucify you lottery syndicate members in order to make them trust each other. Instead, I want you to generate additional activities with which each and every player can prove its integrity. For example, if a lottery syndicate member doesn’t show up on one of your regular meetings, punish him/her. Make the punishment be mild, but concrete. Why? Because the remainder of the members can know if the task is completed. If the member completes the task, he/she shows integrity and can be trusted. Note, make sure that each of the members is fine with the list of rewards and punishments before you put them in force. It’s all about trust, and it takes effort and time.
Communication Is Crucial – Centralized Communication Platform
As I mentioned earlier, trust builds over time. One wrong move and you’re set on the path to impending doom. All problems, issues, disagreements should be communicated between all lottery syndicate members. It’s the only way to have a smooth operating lottery syndicate that can meet everyobody’s needs. Nowadays, there are a lot of methods to keep everyone informed and to give them the voice necessary to speak up. You don’t have to have a meeting in order to communicate. Social networks are a great way to stay in touch. Facebook is commonly used among lottery syndicates as a platform for communicating. You should use it as well. After all, we live in a dynamic world and social networks are a life saver.
Problems Are To Be Embraced and Dealt With As a Team
Being part of a syndicate is like being part of any other group that has a purpose. On your way to fulfill your purpose you must stick as a team. Trust is the core element of any team. Every member must have the feeling that he/she can rely on another lottery syndicate member. Some of the most common reasons for distrust are keeping secrets and avoiding problems. If you don’t feel comfortable about anything, speak up! Most likely another member of the syndicate feels the same like you do. Embrace the problems together. You are a team that can win the jackpot. You can get to it if you don’t trust each other and you let the problems linger on.
Don’t try to fix it yourself. Your mates can find this as treacherous and they will question every action of yours afterwards. You want them to know that you’re not hiding anything, that you’re focused on the lottery.
Have a Written Agreement, and Make All Members Sign It
If it’s not on the wall, it’s not a rule. In order to avoid misconduct and people doing whatever they like, have a written agreement with a set of terms and conditions. Lottery syndicates are a formal organization. In addition to this, it gives a sense of security to the lottery syndicate members, and it’s not a false one. Every member must abide by these rules. People are emotional beings and as such they can change the course of their actions in an instant. If they’ve signed the agreement, they have to follow them. It’s as simple as that.
A word of advice, keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.