USA Mega Millions Winning Numbers: Do You Know the Hot and Cold Digits?
Last updated on February 17, 2023 by

Have you come up with a strategy to win some of the world’s biggest lotteries like Mega Millions already? We haven’t either, otherwise we would have shared the news with the world already! One of the approaches that many people rely on, however, is based on hot and cold numbers. Hot numbers are the ones likely to be USA Mega Millions winning numbers most often.
Statistically speaking, it shouldn’t be more probable for certain digits to be the USA Mega Millions winning numbers more often than others.
The reality of the situation, however, is different.
Based on years of analysis, statistics experts and lottery enthusiasts have managed to identify the hot and cold Mega Millions digits. Their findings are quite intriguing.
The Top USA Mega Millions Winning Numbers
Let’s cut down to the chase and end the introductions. We all know that you’re here to find out which Mega Millions numbers are likely to win more often than the others. Here they are – 31, 17, 2, 39, 5, 20, 35, 4, and 46. According to LottoNumbers, 31 is a lot luckier than all of the other Mega Millions numbers. It’s been drawn among the winning ones 210 times. The second one, 17, has been drawn 207 times, followed by 2 (also 207 times) and 39 (205 times).Find out the odds of winning a prize with Mega Millions hot triplets
As far as the Mega Ball numbers are concerned, the luckiest ones happen to be 3, 15, 7, 1, 10, and 9. The luckiest Mega Ball number – 3 – has been drawn 85 times. The last time it appeared among the winning Mega Balls was on November 3, 2017. As far as the least popular numbers are concerned, some statistics suggest that these digits are 41 and 49. Since 2005, these digits have appeared among the winning numbers only once. There are a few other digits that share a similarly bad reputation. They are 11, 12, 14, and 55. Some numbers may have a more or less good track record, but they are long overdue. This means that they have not been drawn among the winning ones for a very long time. One such number is 48. It was drawn for the last time on March 3, 2017. Ever since the elusive 48 has not made an appearance among the winning numbers.