Lucky Lottery Winners and Their Premonitions They Would Win

Sixth sense – some people claim they have it and can predict events before they happen! Others don’t believe in such things but are still intrigued by them. What follows next are the stories of lucky lottery winners who had a ‘feeling’ they would win a jackpot, and then…did. Whatever your beliefs, read on to find out about the lucky lottery winners and the premonitions they would win a big sum of money.
Robert Lundstedt’s Story
Robert Lundstedt, 56, of Brockton, Massachusetts spoke to the media after a very unusual spate of lottery wins. The lucky lottery player had managed to somehow win nine separate $100,000 grand prizes from a just one solitary lottery drawing this week. Even stranger was that he’d used the same numbers he’d played for more than two decades.
Mr. Lundstedt told the press he had a strange feeling about Monday night’s Mass Cash drawing, in which he bought four tickets at Trucchi’s Supermarket in West Bridgewater. He then went to buy two more at The Corner Market in the same town and one at Cumberland Farms in Bridgewater.
He says “I bought a Gatorade, gave her a five, I had change. “I had the ticket in my pocket, and I said, ‘Here, just play this one time.’ And I did.”
On checking the numbers next morning, he discovered that all five of his picks — 1, 7, 11, 26 and 30 had matched.
“I wasn’t too surprised. No, OK, I was, yeah,” he admitted afterward. His wife Virginia Lundstedt spoke to The Boston Globe and said that her husband had been playing the same five numbers for the last twenty-six years. “That’s how old we were when he started playing that number. When he started playing Mass Cash, I was 26 and he was 30.”
When he realized he’d won he called his wife and she came home, when she got in, he showed her the ticket and she exclaimed: “Oh, my God, Rob, you finally won!”
But then he threw down the other tickets in turn and Virginia’s surprise grew even greater. “He kept throwing tickets in front of me and I’m, like, ‘Oh my God, are you freaking kidding me?’ It was crazy. It’s crazy how he did this, and it came out amazing. We’re just very happy about it.”
They gave two of the tickets to his kids, Kristen, 24, and Brian, 21 and they still have $700,000 in winnings, minus tax withholdings. He’s going to pay off the mortgage on his home, and his children will put the money toward their student loans, he said. “It’s not going to change too much for us. We’re pretty simple. Just have a little extra in savings.”
He says he’ll continue to play and is convinced his numbers will come in again!
Grant and Taryn Hawkes’ Story
A couple who had a premonition they’d win a few days after reading an article on what happens when you win the National Lottery…have won the National Lottery. Taryn, 39, and Grant Hawkes, 41, picked up a seven-figure sum, not long after Grant had been forced to retire early from work with ill health. He said, “he knew he was going to win” and had even read an online article on what happens when you win big.
The couple who hail from Newquay in Cornwall had felt for a long time he would win big on the lottery and then the couple won the mammoth £1 million amount on the Lotto Millionaire Raffle earlier this year.
It was Taryn who noticed that they had £2 left in their National Lottery online account and decided she had to buy a line for the Lotto draw. It was only on the Sunday night after the draw that they checked their emails to see they’d got one from the National Lottery. On checking their numbers, they had won.
Grant said “As soon as Taryn told me we had a message from The National Lottery I knew this was it. A few years ago, I made a throwaway comment about us winning the lottery one day and as soon as I said it I knew it would happen. A few weeks ago I was reading an article online about lottery winners and saw a piece explaining what happens when you win the lottery. I clicked the link, saying to myself, ‘I should read this, I’ll need to know it one day’ and sure enough, I was right. When Taryn said we’d won £1 million I knew exactly what to expect and what we needed to do next. In the article, it said that when you win, Andy, from The National Lottery, comes to validate your ticket and I knew that we’d meet him at some point. Sure enough, a few weeks later, that came true.”
The couple was originally from Kent and moved to Cornwall to give their children a better life, shortly after moving, however, Grant became ill and had to stop working. It was tough for them to make ends meet and Taryn said “Throughout the tough times we’ve always tried to smile and be positive, to do what we can to help others and, above all, to give our children the best life we possibly can. This win won’t change who we are, but it will change the way we live and make everything just that bit easier for us all.
They said that they’ve always tried to not let life affect their children and that when they found out they’d won they told the kids and bought them each a special bar of chocolate that was only ever reserved for special occasions. That was how the children knew it was true.
They’re still trying to decide how best to spend their money. Taryn isn’t going to give up work, but Grant is hoping he’ll be able to retrain for a new job. They’ve treated themselves to a new car too. Grant said “We’ve chosen a convertible so that we can spend our holidays with the kids, driving around Cornwall, making memories and living the life that we dreamt for them when we made the decision to move to here in the first place. We’ve asked the children what else they’d like to spend the money on and they’re really keen to get a campervan, so we’ll see, but that would certainly be a lot of fun. It really hasn’t sunk in yet and its early days but we feel incredibly blessed.”
They have told friends and family and have sent champagne to relatives so that everyone could toast their luck and wish them well. Again, Grant commented: “Even after something as incredible as this life carries on as normal. We still have to get the kids to school, make sure they’re fed and that they get where they need to be on time, but everything has shifted. Our win still doesn’t feel real but I’m feeling positive, calm and excited for what comes next.”
The couple certainly deserves some luck and we hope the cash brings them happiness and health.
Deana Sampson’s Story
Deana Sampson scooped £5.4million on the National Lottery, but the win came after she had a dream in which her dead brother came to her and told her she would win. Now, she’s claiming she will win the lottery again.
The lucky lady is quoted as saying: “I think it will be soon, within a year. I’ve had another premonition. My brother’s watching over me and so are my mum and dad now.”
Deana was being interviewed at the site of her win, a post office in Sheffield. In 1996 she won the lottery for the first time and said then she’d needed the lucky break as her life had been a struggle. She lost her first husband in a road accident and had a miscarriage at two months. Then shortly after, her brother Glynn, who was disabled, passed away just a few weeks before she bought her winning ticket.
However, she says he came to her in a dream and told her she would strike it rich. Days later she bought the winning ticket after going to the post office to collect her child benefit. Speaking at the scene of her win, 22 years later, she was interviewed with postmistress Balwinder Dhillon, 59, who sold the ticket and still runs Stradbroke Post Office!
Balwinder said: “We were so excited when she won. She was one of my favorite customers, chatty and lovely. She’d come in with her kids for her benefits. Sometimes I’d run after her when we forgot to give her milk tokens.”
Deana, who now runs a property business, left her “lucky handprint” at the post office for other lotto players to rub and it seems she feels her luck may not have run out, having had another premonition that she’ll win the lottery again within a year. Time will tell if this is also true!