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The Deal with Having a Lottery Strategy: Can You Really Win That Way?
If you google the term lottery strategy, you’ll get about 70.8 million results. Yep, that’s how popular the search term is. Some of these results offer legit good information, others simply exploit the insatiable desire most of us have to win some easy cash. Coming up with a good strategy to win the lottery, is far from simple. If it were easy, all of us would already be...
Last updated on July 6, 2022 by Jeremy Rapaport

How to Scan a Lottery Ticket without Scratching It
You saw the title! And that’s probably why you clicked through to this article. Now you’re asking yourself if that’s even possible at all. You’re not alone. Scratch-off enthusiasts have been looking for ways to crack the code, exploring so many different strategies. Obviously, having some clue that a ticket is a winner without scratching it would be the best. There are...
Last updated on May 10, 2022 by Ben Imler

Luck, Strategy or Both – Here’s How They’ve Managed to Win Big from the Lottery
Is winning the lottery strategic or based on pure luck? That is the question! So many mathematicians, statisticians, and everyday lotto enthusiasts have tried to find the answer. Their conclusions, however, are somewhat contradictory. If we take a look at some of the most prominent and some of the most incredible lottery wins, we will have to blame luck for them. In some...
Last updated on December 5, 2019 by Joe Knapp

4 Amazingly Talented Mathematicians Who Managed to Beat the Lottery
Lottery mathematics is an incredibly complicated thing. You need at least a master’s degree to conceptualize a formula capable of increasing your chances of success. Or maybe you think that finding such a formula isn’t possible at all? Several people already have managed to prove you wrong. These are the stories of the amazing individuals that discovered a lottery prediction...
Last updated on March 3, 2019 by Jeremy Rapaport

Look at How Lottery Winners Have Chosen Their Numbers
Do you have a specific strategy you use when playing the lottery? Has it changed at all in all the time you’ve been playing? Sometimes, players won’t change their numbers or use try any different approaches when it comes to playing for fear of jinxing a system and worrying that the numbers they once played might then suddenly come good. It’s sometimes worth considering how big...
Last updated on September 19, 2018 by Jeremy Rapaport

Lottery Affirmations: Can the Power of Positive Thoughts Make You Rich?
How many of us can honestly say that we believe we’ll win the lottery? We think we have a small chance every time we put a ticket on, but the reality is that we may never win, or if we do it’ll only be a very small amount. Can the power of positive thought lend a hand and lead you on the road to riches? Here we explore the idea of lottery affirmations and how they could work for you in...
Last updated on March 1, 2023 by Marry Levental

Want to Win the Lottery? Stop Doing These 8 Things!
I’ve been asked many times by lottery players just like me, what are the things they should do to win the lottery. Because I’m courteous I usually provide them with a concise and truthful answer. However, I’d rather tell them the things they should stop doing to get back on track. I’m not Nostradamus, nor am I any kind of psychic. I tend to apply scientific approach, strategies...
Last updated on August 15, 2018 by Marry Levental

10 Steps Every Lottery Player Must Take to Win the Lottery
There are certain steps that lottery players must take if they really want to win the lottery. By taking each of these steps you will incrementally increase your odds of winning the lottery. Without being aware of it you will turn into a better lottery player, the kind of player that deserves to be a jackpot winner. Consistency – You Must Not Miss a Single Lottery Draw It’s...
Last updated on June 30, 2016 by Jonathan White

4 Ways Love Can Help You Win the Lottery
If you’re reading you’re probably striving to win the lottery and you’re in love. The connection between these two is difficult to grasp, especially if you’re a passionate lottery player. However, think again. How many times have you been in a situation where love was that little push you needed to overcome any obstacle and fulfill your cause? Love conquers all is what they say. To me,...
Last updated on February 24, 2016 by Marry Levental

4 Ways You Can Win More Money While Playing Lottery Less
We live in an age where time is more valuable than money. Tackling this issue becomes more and more necessary as every day goes by. I tried to devise a small list which includes various ways to win more money playing the lottery while you playing less. You will have more time, you’ll save some money and you’ll win more lottery prizes. It’s rather simple in fact. I just took a step back to...
Last updated on March 7, 2016 by Jonathan White