What is the probability to win a lottery more than once?
This is one question that lottery players occasionally ask themselves and their peers, especially after not winning a significant prize for many years in a row. By definition, lottery games are based exclusively on chance and the odds of winning the jackpot are remote, although the terrible odds are offset by the potentially huge gains. Many lottery players would be thrilled with the idea of...
Last updated on February 19, 2014 by Jonathan White

Easy ways to calculate the odds of winning the lottery
Pretty much all lottery players know that the odds are stacked against him but the idea that they are huge underdogs doesn't have a deterring effect on ticket buyers. While most of them can go on with their hobby without minding the odds, there are others who are interested in knowing exactly what their chances to win are. Given the fact that not all lotteries are governed by the same rules,...
Last updated on February 19, 2014 by Jeremy Rapaport

Practical tips for winning the Powerball lottery
The great and terrible Powerball lottery Now that the Powerball lottery jackpot inches closer to $300 million, the interest of players nationwide increases at the same accelerated pace. More tickets are purchased for each draw and the trend is expected to continue until someone finally scoops the jackpot and adds his name to the collection of lottery millionaires. If there are any ways of...
Last updated on February 26, 2014 by Jonathan White

What is lottery number loyalty?
A few words about the lottery number loyalty concept There are many ways of playing the lottery which makes perfect sense given the fact that the odds are exactly the same regardless of the manner in which you choose the numbers. Lottery number loyalty is a concept that describes the manner of playing the lottery by using the same set of numbers over and over again. Many players use numbers...
Last updated on February 26, 2014 by Ben Imler
Make winning the lottery your financial plan
Don`t be mad about the winning the lottery There are not many ways to get rich by purchasing lottery tickets, and the odds of actually matching all the numbers are slim to say the least. Contrary to popular belief, winning the lottery is not the only way of saving a significant amount of money and people should always play with moderation. Although the price of a lottery ticket is not...
Last updated on February 26, 2014 by Joe Knapp

Lottery winning tips that really work
Lottery winning tips Winning the lottery is one of the things that people dream of frequently, because they know that it is enough to strike lucky once to change their lives forever. The amount of money should be sufficient to last for a lifetime, and with proper bankroll management big winners won’t need to work a day. Since the benefits are considerable, it comes as no surprise that...
Last updated on December 12, 2019 by Jonathan White

Increase the chances to win the lottery by purchasing more tickets
How to increase your chances to win the lottery? If there was a definitive solution for maximizing the chances of winning the lottery, we would've found it by now and the Internet would have made it popular. On the other hand, if the lottery draws wouldn't be completely random and the right system could predict the winners, lottery as we know it would cease to exist. This means that the only...
Last updated on February 26, 2014 by Marry Levental

Playing the Pick 3 lottery to win
Pick 3 lottery is the easiest way to win Among all lottery games, Pick 3 is one of the easiest game as players don't have to do anything more than selecting a three digit number. The pool of numbers ranges from 0 to 999 and the selected one is filled on a play slip, next to the desired play type and the amount the player intends to wager. It is just as simple as it sounds, which explains why...
Last updated on February 26, 2014 by Jonathan White

The odds of matching the Thunderball winning numbers
Probabilities of matching the Thunderball winning numbers The Thunderball was hard to beat in the past but following the changes that took place on May 12 2010 things didn’t get any easier, quite the opposite. Some things remained unchanged, such as the price of the ticket which still costs only £1 and the number of Thunderballs remained the same at 14. The changes impact the way the actual...
Last updated on February 26, 2014 by Ben Imler

Smart ways to pick the winning lottery numbers
Strategies for picking the winning lottery numbers It is difficult to succeed in life if you rely exclusively on luck, but when playing the lottery there is nothing wrong with putting all your hopes in the lucky event. Those who play occasionally, can afford to randomly select some numbers from a ball or write whatever numbers come to mind, but veterans are always looking for a system. More...
Last updated on February 26, 2014 by Joe Knapp