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Have You Ever Wondered What Happens to Unclaimed Lottery Prizes?
It’s weird to think that someone could win the lottery and not know it. It was recently released in the US that there were over $800 million worth of unclaimed lottery prizes in 2013. That’s a staggering number to think about. Almost $1 billion dollars of unclaimed lottery prizes in a single year? How could somebody possibly not realize that they won millions of dollars? What the?!?...
Last updated on March 16, 2014 by Ben Imler
Does the Lottery Help or Hurt the Economy?
I don’t know about you, but it never occurred to me that playing the lottery could help (or hurt) the economy. I may be naĂ¯ve but I just though the money that we (the lotto players) put in is what we would win. Of course, minus fees and what not. It would make sense, wouldn’t it? Well, according to a variety of people, it seems that the lottery could do more harm than good. One...
Last updated on December 19, 2024 by John Greener
Winning the Lottery vs. Working Hard For Your Money
We can probably relay this to being similar to the age old question about whether it’s better to be good or lucky. I’ve always been one to say that luck is built through hard work, but how can we say that when it comes to the lottery? Winning the lottery is something that never happens in most people’s lifetimes. We may have five or six $500 scratcher wins, but actually hitting it...
Last updated on March 6, 2014 by Marry Levental
Who Are the Lucky Lottery Winners: Men or Women?
So who are the lucky lottery winners, men or women? Sounds like a pretty loaded question to me. While we’re not going to be able to provide a definite answer to this question we’re going to give it our best shot to find out which gender are the lucky lottery winners. First, let’s take a look at who’s luckier when it comes to gambling in general so we can at least have a basis for...
Last updated on March 4, 2014 by Jeremy Rapaport
The People’s Postcode Lottery: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
The People’s Postcode Lottery is quite an interesting lottery system. If you’re not familiar with their system basically it is a subscription based lottery where lottery players pay a monthly fee to enter into the system. While it’s a somewhat difficult concept to completely understand, it’s definitely got some potential as another lottery to add to my monthly spending. Before we...
Last updated on February 27, 2014 by Jonathan White
The Reasons I Never Want to Win the Lottery
I want to preface this entire what I’m about to say by letting you know that you’re all going to think I’m absolutely crazy. You’re going to think that I’m probably the dumbest and most naive person that you’ve ever read. I can’t say that I would blame you for looking at me that way after what I’m about to say. But, hopefully, as I explain myself in a little more detail,...
Last updated on February 26, 2014 by John Greener
Battle to the Death: Scratchers vs Jackpot Games
Oooo the great debate of which is superior, scratchers or jackpot games. Actually, it’s not much of a great debate at all considering most of us don’t care which one we’re playing, we just want to win and win a lot. But since many of us are on a very limited budget for our lotto habits, it’s worth figuring out which side reigns supreme so we can know where to throw the majority of...
Last updated on February 6, 2014 by Jeremy Rapaport
Lottery Pros Recommends: Top 5 Free Lottery Apps for iPhone
Playing the lottery has become easier than ever with lottery apps popping up all over the place that helps take your gambling addiction to a whole new level. Don’t worry guys you couldn’t possibly be worse than me. When you’re talking about getting something for free your initial reaction is probably going to be that what you’re getting is going to be pretty darn worthless. There...
Last updated on May 5, 2019 by Ben Imler
Things about the lottery that will blow your mind
Weird and Wonderful Facts on Lotteries Just when you think you‘re coming to grips with playing lotteries, let’s throw some weird and wacky facts to consider. Most of these are fun and I’m still renewing my subscription for the next month! You can’t win unless you play. Lightening Can Strike & You Can Win Speaking with a mathematician the other day, I asked him to put the odds...
Last updated on December 14, 2023 by Jonathan White
Is Lottery Really a Form of Gambling or Not? Let’s See…
A common trait of gamblers is that they don't like the idea of being included in such a category and some of them go to great lengths to prove that their game of choice is not actually gambling. Lottery players are not as committed to prove the opposite, but the subject is on their mind as well and it is worth looking a bit deeper into the sensitive issue. Even though a conclusion won't...
Last updated on February 9, 2014 by Marry Levental