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The Ultimate Lottery System – Lottery Wheels
Lottery players are constantly on the lookout for the next big thing. For years, thousands of lottery players have made attempts to come up with the perfect approach to the lottery that will get steady, certain lottery returns. Ever since the 1970s, lottery wheels have been the best approach to securing these lottery prizes. It works differently than many of you might’ve assumed,...
Last updated on August 16, 2017 by Ben Imler

6 Best Lottery Skills to Learn Online Today
If you’re playing the lottery online, it’s reasonable to assume that you can find your way around surfing the web. The internet is an endless encyclopedia and you can learn a ton of new stuff whenever you want, wherever you want, as long as you have a device that can connect to the Internet. There are many things you can learn online by yourself. However, because I want to stay on...
Last updated on March 26, 2017 by Joe Knapp

6 Lottery Strategies You’re Probably Not Using
I second changes, but only if they are of benefit to the player in any way. Regardless if you get proper money management, or you cover a better number range, or you avoid simple mistakes like playing birthday date numbers, I recommend changes. Now, I know that you probably have come up with your very own strategy, and I respect that. I know that I’ve said on numerous occasions that...
Last updated on June 23, 2019 by Jonathan White

5 Easy Ways to Become Luckier in Lottery
I must admit, the moment I started playing the lottery I thought that to win the lottery all I needed was a bit of luck. However, in time I realized that it takes a lot of skill, experience and dedication to win the lottery, but it also takes a lot of luck, not just a tiny bit. On top of this, I must admit I became a luckier lottery player. How did I manage to do this? Before I...
Last updated on July 23, 2016 by Joe Knapp

Why You Should Keep Your Personal and Lottery Money Separate
Whether you’re a serious lottery player, or you only play once a week for fun, perhaps less, there are many perks and benefits to making sure you keep your personal money and your lottery money as two totally separate entities, as well as a few warning signs that you should certainly follow in order to not fall foul of pitfalls along the way. Your Personal Money When we refer to your...
Last updated on July 28, 2015 by Marry Levental

4 Unusual Strategies — How to Play the Lottery
If You Want to Get Something You Never Had, Do Something You Never Did As weird as it sounds once you put it in practice you’ll see it really is true. I myself never had ripped abs since I never went to the gym, nor I exercised in the comfort of my home. Well, guess what! I pushed myself to the limits and voila, the body I always wanted, now I have it. It’s pretty much the same with the...
Last updated on August 12, 2019 by Jonathan White

4 Ways to Secure Your Next Big Lottery Jackpot
Do We All Have the Same Odds of Winning the Jackpot? If you buy lottery tickets every week some of your friends have probably told you “Get real, you’ll never win” or maybe “You should start saving money instead of spending it on some game”, right? Well they’re wrong. One might say you have the same odds of winning the jackpot as any other person that buys a lottery ticket....
Last updated on July 14, 2015 by John Greener

4 Easy Ways to Never Miss a Single Lottery Draw
Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures It’s the 21st and if there’s one thing everyone has felt it’s the call for being dynamic and organized if you want to manage to succeed everywhere. Well, for those of you who have missed the lottery draw couple of times, this one’s for you. I totally understand you; I myself have been in situations where I simply forget the draw is just...
Last updated on July 12, 2015 by Jeremy Rapaport

8 Success Tips for Lottery Beginners! #5 Is New Even to Me!
As a lottery beginner, you may be wondering if there are some secret tricks that lottery jackpot winners use to enhance their chances of winning. Lottery as a game has attracted lots of people with everyone looking forward to the day they will strike the jackpot. Inasmuch as lottery is a game of chance and luck, there are certain strategies you can employ to increase your winning odds....
Last updated on July 8, 2015 by Jonathan White

How to Manage Conflicts Within the Lottery Syndicate Teams
It’s Still a Team and Conflicts are Common – Even in Lottery Syndicates First and foremost, in any type of a group of people conflicts can occur. They’re inevitable and sooner or later clashes between members can emerge. Conflicts can range from simple number combination to more serious issues like how much winnings should be attributed to a given member. But, hey! That’s why...
Last updated on July 8, 2015 by Jeremy Rapaport