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The Way the Cookie Crumbles: Lottery Winners Who Got Their Numbers from Fortune Cookies
Everyone loves a good ‘how to win the lottery’ story, that offers tips on ways you can strike it rich without trying. Here’s one we bet you hadn’t thought of. Fortune cookies! We all know that the odds of winning a huge sum on lottery draws are pretty astronomically high, so many of us want to know if there is any real way we can boost our chances, with no real need to put any...
Last updated on November 19, 2018 by Marry Levental

Lottery Winner Couples Who Had the Luck of the Draw but Were Unlucky in Love
It’s a dream come true, you and your partner buy a lottery ticket, in the vain hope you might win a fortune that will make your financial future secure - and as a result, bring you much joy and happiness. You can’t believe it when your numbers come up and you actually win! A huge jackpot of cash will now surely make everything much better. Then, the worst happens. Your money...
Last updated on October 29, 2018 by Jonathan White

4 Lucky Lottery Winners Who Struck It Rich After Years Of Trying
We all like to dream that we’ll win the lottery someday, and we put on our lottery tickets with the same numbers in the hope that one day it’ll come true. If you’ve ever wondered about how long it can actually take some people to win a huge jackpot then look no further as we present to you some stories of people who’s patience paid off. Read on to find out more about the four...
Last updated on October 17, 2018 by Marry Levental

Callie Rogers – UK’s Youngest Lottery Winner Who Lost It All
Stories of people who win a fortune and then lose it all are quite common if you read lottery news sites often enough. Often, the person will play a lottery game, win a huge amount and then end up penniless in a relatively short space of time, rueing their loss. It’s a story that might provoke sympathy in some, but not for others who feel that if people win such a large amount of money...
Last updated on September 11, 2018 by Marry Levental

First Time Winners: Lottery Syndicates Who Played Once and Won Big!
Joining a lottery syndicate can be a great thing to do. It means you get to club together with your friends, family or co-workers and have a nice time enjoying playing the lottery and hopefully (one day) winning a jackpot that means you can all retire. For some, no matter how long they play it remains a pipe dream. For others, playing in a syndicate gets results very quickly! Here we...
Last updated on September 19, 2018 by Joe Knapp

Lottery Winners Who Blew It All Too Quickly
Just in the last several weeks, a Mega Millions lottery drawing resulted in a single ticket that won $522 million. The prize was won in the state of California and is the latest in a series of huge single ticket wins that have seen people pocket immense sums of money. What would you do if you won such a large amount? Would you save it all for a rainy day? Make sure your friends and...
Last updated on August 9, 2018 by Marry Levental

Lucky Lottery Winners and Their Premonitions They Would Win
Sixth sense - some people claim they have it and can predict events before they happen! Others don’t believe in such things but are still intrigued by them. What follows next are the stories of lucky lottery winners who had a ‘feeling’ they would win a jackpot, and then...did. Whatever your beliefs, read on to find out about the lucky lottery winners and the premonitions they would...
Last updated on July 25, 2018 by Ben Imler

Marie Holmes – The Powerball Winner Who Was Bribed, Bailed and Bullied
Putting your lottery winnings to good use - that’s what many people who make a big lottery win say they’ll do. Whether it’s helping friends, family or even strangers to live a better life. Some winners give a lot to charity or other organizations in need of help and support. Supposing you’d won a huge jackpot on the lottery, but used some of the proceeds to get someone out of trouble?...
Last updated on July 14, 2019 by Jeremy Rapaport

When Winning Tears Families Apart: Lottery Winners Killed By Their Relatives
For the most part, when a family strikes a big win on the lottery everyone is happy for them - after all, they may stand to gain a cut of the money and be able to live comfortably, too. However, sometimes there are occasions when a lottery win can spell trouble for an entire family. Here are the incredibly sad stories of when winning tears families apart, the lottery winners killed by their...
Last updated on January 27, 2019 by Marry Levental

Billie Lawler – The Sad Story of Lottery Winner who Had Her Money Stolen by Her Daughter
Whilst many people win the lottery and use their money to enrich the lives of their friends and families, some people must think more pragmatically about how they might spend their winnings. We’ve told stories in the past of people who have given their fortunes to people who were less fortunate, or who used their money to fund medical treatment that they might not otherwise have been...
Last updated on June 20, 2018 by Jeremy Rapaport