6 Reasons Why US Powerball Sucks

The US Powerball has grown to become the most popular lottery in the world! Thanks to some minor changes to the rules, it has the potential to break the record it set in January 2016. This is great, right? Sure it is. Any lottery player likes a juicy, attractive, quickly increasing jackpot. There isn’t a reason not like one.
This morning, I woke up with a thought, the US Powerball sucks! At first, I thought I’m going crazy.
But as I was having my coffee and going through my emails, it came to me. The truth is, once I compared it with other lotteries, it turned out to be not so appealing as I thought. Nevertheless, I’m still going to buy Powerball tickets, and I will keep on dreaming and pursuing that dream, the win the Powerball!
Truth Be Spoken – the US Powerball Unofficially Sucks!
Now, many of you will think I’m a hater, or this is just badmouthing. As a matter of fact, it’s a mix of both. I think I need to vent, I haven’t done it in a long time. Why this? Why now? There’s isn’t a particular reason why this and why now. I just got some tension in my lower back, NOT!
The truth is, the US Powerball has changed over the past years, so much so that jackpot wins are very rare, and the only winners I hear about are either newcomers to the lottery, or, once they win, they lose it all because they make poor decisions. It’s hard not to think that the US Powerball favors players who are not worthy of the jackpot. Because of this, I think I’m chasing the wrong jackpot. Right or wrong, it is what it is, but I have to admit, I have been playing the US Powerball for years and I do not intend to quit now! I have this feeling that it’s just around the corner, and it once it shows up, it will startle me. I guess, it’s one of the best jump scares I’ll experience in my life.
So Many People Are Playing the US Powerball!
First and foremost, what’s the big deal people?! I mean, sure, there are players who are in the game for a long time, who dedicate a good share of time and money, but what’s with the seasonal players? They just come in and take the jackpot away, a jackpot that’s been growing for months, sitting there, waiting for somebody to claim it.
So many people have started to play the lottery, the US Powerball in particular because it has attracted a lot of media attention. During the hype of the record breaking jackpot people realized the potential of the US Powerball. They didn’t hesitate a minute longer and got their first ever lottery tickets. More players mean faster growing jackpot. More players also mean somebody else can get ahead of me when my moment comes. I’m selfish? I wouldn’t say that’s the word, but sure, call me whatever you like. I still have my eyes on the jackpot.
The US Powerball Kills Me 4 Times a Week
This is a pun for the two drum system. It is the main reason why the jackpot reaches mind boggling amounts. Every single drum kills me once, two draws per week, that’s 4 mini heart attacks every single week. If I get the PowerPlay number correct, I miss all of the numbers of the first drum. I wish it was the other way around. Personally, I wouldn’t care as much about the PowerPlay, but as I said earlier, it is what it is.
As I view it, this makes it sucks twice as hard! The sad thing is, more lotteries are joining the ranks of Powerball, introducing two drums. Another week, another two draws, another two tickets, another 4 deaths.
Why Has It Become a Global Lottery? Now I’ll Never Win!
Another thing that has made the US Powerball suck, at least in my personal opinion, is that players from all over the world can buy a US Powerball ticket and win. I have nothing against other lottery players, maybe their respective governments should provide them with an identically attractive lotteries.
I’m not a xenophobe, but there’s a very good reason why it’s the US Powerball, “US” Powerball. Now, it’s more of a Global Powerball. Speaking of which, that sounds like a pretty good idea! Players from the USA could enjoy both of them, whereas players from all over the world could compete for the probably biggest lottery of all times, a Global Powerball. Don’t make the Powerball suck any worse. Please, don’t allow extra terrestrials to buy Powerball tickets. All I need is E.T. winning the next Powerball jackpot, and I’m quitting.
Powerball? – More Like PowerMoneyDrain, I Want to Win
There’s a silver lining, but it’s no secret that a single Powerball ticket comes with a hefty price tag in the long run. Sure, $2 doesn’t seem much, but multiply that by a thousand tickets. Sounds a lot right? If you’re a casual player it will take you more than a year to spend this amount of money on Powerball tickets.
Nevertheless, if you’re not playing it, there’s no excitement, and you have absolutely no potential to win any lottery prize. Yeah, it’s safe to say it’s a double edge sword. Well, what do you know, another well-defined description for the US Powerball.
Jokes aside, it’s a “flaw” all lottery players have to deal with. After all, imagine if the US Powerball was free. All people would play it, making it basically impossible to win.
I Think Mega Millions Just Winked at Me
I don’t know why, but I think I’m starting to like Mega Millions better. Why? It just winked at me! How was this wink manifested? Well, for starters, there’s not much hype about it, yet it still comes with generous prizes. I beg your pardon, not generous, stunning!
By the way, the ticket costs $1 only. In other words, you get twice as many Mega Millions lottery tickets! I don’t know about you, but I think that having double the amount of lottery tickets doubles my chances of winning! Plus, I can pay an additional $1 to multiply any secondary prizes I might win.
Apparently, a love triangle just formed. I think the US Poweball needs to take it down a notch to get my attention!
The US Powerball Sucks Because I Still Haven’t Won
Lastly, I think it’s fairly obvious. I’m angry with the US Powerball because I still haven’t won the jackpot, nor have I won the $1,000,000 prize. I bet all of you have felt about it at some point in time. This anger, this overwhelming negative emotion which is hard to describe, I think it’s distinctive about passionate lottery players only. I don’t hate the player, don’t get me wrong, I simply hate the game, occasionally.
All things considered, at the end of the day, I’m still going to get myself a batch of US Powerball lottery tickets. Sure, there were a lot of mixed emotions in this article, but as I said, I felt like I needed to vent. My doctor said it’s good for my blood pressure. Boy, I already feel better!