6 Ways to Make the Most of Playing the Lottery with Your Boss

Playing the lottery at home is fun, but playing your favorite type of games at work is even more entertaining, but only if your position allows it. Most likely you have a boss overseeing your daily activities and to whom you report. Now, your boss may not be in the lottery, so introducing him/her to it is a rather good idea. If, for example, you’re questioning why it is a good idea to play the lottery, you better have your answer prepared.
I’ve tried this back in the days and both me and my boss and a couple of my colleagues really enjoyed it. We share both the happy and the sad moments as well.
Together, like a real team. So how can you make the most of playing the lottery with your boss? It’s time to find out!
Get a Day Off If You Hit 4 or More Numbers
It’s essential to come up with some interesting treats, but also tricks. Usually, if one of you is treated, the other one has to settle with the trick. This was my personal favorite! Whenever I hit 4 or more numbers, my boss had to give me a day off. This way, I could really enjoy the lottery prize I just won. He was a good fellow, I still miss him.
On the flip side, whenever he would hit 4 or more numbers I had to work a few extra hours. Sure, I still got my overtime, but nobody likes working late at night. Nevertheless, a deal’s a deal. We tried to always stick to what we’ve agreed. Playing the lottery became more than just a reason for thrills and prizes, it became a “battlefield” for free time and overtime hours. Those were the times!
Have Your Boss Choose the Lottery Numbers for You
Now, as a standalone idea, it’s not as great or at least, it doesn’t look like it. However, if you mix it up with some of the other points in this article, it becomes more than just interesting, it becomes witty! From a statistic point of view, any number combination has the same chances of winning, so this won’t do you any harm. Bear in mind, if let these lottery tickets be a treat, a gift, meaning your boss will have to pay for these tickets, and you will pay for his. Sure, in a way, you’re just scratching each other’s backs.
However, this can be very bad for you. Imagine the ticket you bought actually brings a 4+ number prize to your boss. Not only will your boss win, you will have to work a few extra hours. Then again, you can also get a day off!
If You’re Better than Your Boss – You Switch Your Roles
The heading might not be the most straightforward. For example, if say your boss’s position doesn’t require any skills you do not have, this is a plausible. However, I do not recommend this amongst surgeons, doctors, etc. You get the idea. I don’t want any victims because of a simple joke or trick you want to pull at work.
Much similar to the day off thing, if you perform better during the week, you are the boss for a day. Let your boss get you a coffee, or prepare that report he will have to read later on.
Instead of the relying on the performance, playing the lottery can become a social competition, where money is not a factor. However, I should remind you that this kind of fun usually means one of you two will get carried away. In most cases, this won’t cost you anything, but if you start buying more lottery tickets, significantly more, you can wind up in money problems. Remember, you should win the lottery, not make your boss suffer.
Track Your Performance on a Bulletin Board – Keep Copies of Winning Lottery Tickets
If you advertise the results on some kind of a bulletin board that’s visible to your colleagues, you will get more colleagues who are into the lottery. Eventually, the competition between you and your boss will get fierce, attracting more lottery players. Just sit back and enjoy seeing your colleagues getting hooked on the lottery.
I also recommend putting copies of big win lottery tickets. Playing the lottery will become your thing, which leads us to the next point. Although rare, it does happen and it usually brings positive results. This also affects the morale of employees, which is usually why superiors like to indulge in activities such as this. And you thought it was because your boss likes you?
Playing the Lottery at Work Calls for a Lottery Club!
In the end, the workplace will turn into one big lottery club. However, unlike other lottery clubs, you know everyone, so your circle of friends won’t expand.
It’s important to have the work tasks before the lottery. I know that many of you prefer playing the lottery, but somebody has to complete that analysis, finish that report or do that calculation that’s been a hot potato for the past 2 weeks. This is a great time to introduce something like a bonus task, but not limited to your boss and you only. Instead, all of your colleagues that are into playing the lottery should join this “competition”. The lottery player with the worst results should be the one who completes tasks such as the ones I just mentioned, the hot potato one.
No other “lottery club” comes with the perks the workplace brings to the table. Enjoy it!
Instead of Employee of the Month, Have Lottery Player of the Month
I think you all get this one. The benefits of playing the lottery at work outweigh the disadvantages. The morale will be up, team spirit will finally excel and the overall performance of the department should improve as well. However, this will happen only if the boss is keeping everything in check. The boss bears the ultimate responsibility, and as such, he/she should be in charge both, of any lottery operations and on the performance of the employees.
Yes, you can have both Employee of the Month and Lottery of the Month, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Sure, eventually some of you will get this title multiple times during a year. Rivalry is healthy, as long as it doesn’t involve you and another competing company that’s on a head hunt. Keep it in the company, preferably in your own department. After all, this is your own little thing you have going.