Got Fired on the Job or You Just Quit? That’s a Lottery Jackpot Calling You!

Regardless of what the reason was to leave your current job position, you will feel bad. Getting fired is probably worse in my opinion, mainly because you don’t have control of the timing, meaning you cannot predict when it will happen. On the other hand, quitting your job is a way better situation to be in, that’s only if you’ve already made other plans for the foreseeable future. You just made your first. We’ve all been fired in our careers.
If nobody ever gets fired or quits, nobody will get a promotion, eventually advancing their career and getting a better salary. It all comes down to how you view the overall situation.
Don’t Panic, Breathe! – You Just Got Out of Your Comfort Zone
First and foremost, do not panic. It’s not the end of the world, nobody’s going to die. You simply lost or quit your job. There are plenty of other things you can do that will surely make you feel better, and they also might end up being more profitable.
Back when the economy crashed, I was one of the people got laid off. I wasn’t fired because of poor performance, the company simply had to make some sacrifices. I’m happy they managed to cope with the challenge thrown at them by the recession.
I panicked, I have to admit. Nonetheless, if I didn’t get laid off, I wouldn’t be doing the thing I do now. I found the silver lining; you should do the same as well, which leads to my next point.
A New Opportunity is Around the Corner
Opportunities! Sounds like a political slogan or tag line that you get to hear during the campaign. People are naturally attracted to possibilities, opportunities. In other words, they want to be able to take advantage out of any situation.
Well, here’s a situation for you. You’re unemployed.
Are you going to whine all day about it? You better don’t! Now’s the time to relax a bit, do the things you wanted to do the entire time, but you couldn’t because of the work hours. Maybe go out jogging, even a simple walk in the park could literally give you the energy you need to cope with what tomorrow brings. However, don’t forget about the bills, because they surely won’t forget about you.
I’m going to make a small digression. In February 2017, a woman from Aurora lost her job. Sounds uncommon, right? Well, she won the jackpot, $3,300,000 lottery jackpot was credited to her name. However, she decided to opt for the annuity option. That’s some cash balance boost.
Don’t just go through the newspaper or browse the net for a new job spot. Sure, you can do just that, but only for half an hour or so. Besides doing this, I took several courses to improve my resume. The best thing about this is you are surrounded with people who are in the same boat with you.
When Was the Last Time You Tried Something for the First Time?
This is how I got into the lottery. During one of the sessions I noticed a guy literally staring at his smartphone, and out of nowhere he started screaming. It was a short scream, nothing overwhelming, nope, no hype there.
It turned out, the guy just won $50,000 in Powerball. Lucky chap. The first thing that came to my mind was, “Why am I not doing this?” Fast forward a few months, I was the most passionate lottery player. Well, at least that’s how I felt. That was the first time I was doing something because I wanted to do it. All I could think of was that lottery jackpot everybody was talking about. As a recently laid off, unemployed person I was trying to make the most of my free time before I find a new job.
Nobody knows what the future holds. Maybe you’re the next Richard Lustig, the undisputed, unofficial king of the lottery. The tricky part is you have to give it a shot if you want to find out.
A Person Who Has Nothing to Lose Has Much to Gain
This is true from any point of view. As a recently fired or laid off person, or say you’ve just quit, you have little to lose. At least, you can’t lose your job. Imagine somebody who has lost more than a job, somebody who has lost his/her family or the house for instance. Feels bad, I know, but these are the people who have much to gain, mainly because there’s little to nothing on the line.
Although not as grave as the aforementioned example, let’s take a look at Rodriguez DaCosta’s story. DaCosta lost his job shortly before he bought his winning lottery ticket. A lottery jackpot of $1,000,000 was at his doorstep. He was homeless, living at his friend’s place. As long as there’s hope, there are possibilities. He cashed out $650,000 after taxes, he settled his debts, paid his bills and he can start over, without the pressure imposed by a negative cash balance.
Can a Hobby Turn Into a Source of Income? – Yes!
With the proper preparation, some effort and resources, anything can happen. These lottery jackpot winners were fortunate to get the chance they need the most at the right time. I’m still waiting for my lottery jackpot. I think it’s just around the corner, although it’s been many corners until now.
Dear Massoud Ardalan was lucky to win $33,000,000, playing the SuperLotto Plus. He also got laid off, which ended pretty well for him. If he was still at his work station, he’d never buy the winning lottery ticket. Then again, this wasn’t his intention. Mr. Ardalan just wanted to forget he just lost his job which he had for 16 years.
How about the Australian Oz Lotto winner who recently gave up on searching for a new job after she won $15,000,000? Can you comment on that? Despite sharing the lottery jackpot with another player, $15,000,000 is still a lot of money, especially for an unemployed lady. She’s going through the usual, getting back on her feet, paying off debts and treating herself, although multimillionaire with modest stuff, like a handbag she wanted for some time now.