How to Manage Conflicts Within the Lottery Syndicate Teams
It’s Still a Team and Conflicts are Common – Even in Lottery Syndicates
First and foremost, in any type of a group of people conflicts can occur. They’re inevitable and sooner or later clashes between members can emerge. Conflicts can range from simple number combination to more serious issues like how much winnings should be attributed to a given member.
But, hey! That’s why every team has a leader or a manager in charge. Lottery syndicates also have person in charge. Some are open to suggestions and close to its members, others are tyrants and acts as dictators. If you are a member of a lottery syndicate I personally hope yours is not a dictator.
How can a manager best deal with these conflicts?
Read on and although you can’t bring conflicts to extinction, they can at least be minimized.
Draw Up a Formal Agreement – If it’s Not Written on the Wall, It’s Not a Rule
As much as we hate bureaucracy if we spice things up a bit with it the puzzle is easier to solve. Speaking of bureaucracy I’m thinking of simple rules and guidelines, full stop. There are tons of ready to download agreements on the internet, so being lazy and saying you don’t know how to do it is not an excuse.
Depending of the country of residence a formal agreement can save you some money. Lottery winnings are not a subject to tax, but once you get them banked on your account, wait for it… it becomes subject to inheritance tax. BOOM! As long as your money remains in the lottery syndicate you have no tax to pay.
You never know what can happen; maybe your manager is not as responsible as you think he/she is. By having these guidelines “on the wall” you expect the unexpected. Write it down, on a sheet of paper… It doesn’t have to be on the wall.
Lottery Syndicate Conflict Resolving 101 – Communicate
In case you are the manager, I have one thing to say to you: talk, communicate, explain and elaborate every single little fact and information that MIGHT be of concern to your fellow members.
You have no idea how easier it is once everybody knows the stories of both parties. Think of it this way, back in school once 2 children would get in a fight the teacher would ask both of them to explain what happened. See? It’s that simple. Except the conflict is not a children’s fight during lunch break, rather a more complex membership fee/winning sharing issue.
The manager shouldn’t hide anything from the syndicates’ members. It will eventually come back in its face like a boomerang. A simple notice board in the office or even better, a Facebook Page can make communication a lot easier. Of course, I’m not saying the conflict should be resolved via Facebook, rather just let everybody know what’s happening. The mediation process should be dealt with in person.
I said in person. Do I have to repeat myself?
Get a Lottery Syndicate Management Software – Reduce Human Error
Error 404; Conflict not found.
There’s one thing computers never do, make errors. People are rather inconsistent in this area. As much as a person would pay close attention to details, mistakes happen. These mistakes can be the core of a serious disruptive behavior within any team, any group of people; Lottery Syndicates are not excluded.
It’s the 21st century. Almost every household has a computer and it can be quite convenient for members of a lottery syndicate. On top of this the manager’s job is a lot easier.
With dedicated software every member will be aware of the number combinations played, any winnings that are attributable to them, fee processing, ordering tickets is convenient and almost any other information can be distributed with a simple click. All of these make conflict management and conflict prevention a reality.
And you thought computers are just for playing games, huh? Well, the lottery is still a game after all, a game where the winners get richer, some of them filthy rich.
Stay Together When You Lose – Enjoy Together When You Win
Bottom line is: You are in it for the same purpose, to increase your chances of winning a lottery prize. The manager is there to ensure everything’s in line and of course, in the event of a conflict to mediate and pave the way toward the much wanted solution.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. Don’t take conflicts as a bad thing; they’re rather a team building exercise. There, you’re already feeling better about that fight you had. The hardest steel goes through the hottest fire, so do the best lottery syndicates.
The tips we mentioned derive from common sense, but a hothead doesn’t have common sense. Sleep on any problem that has occurred. Being impulsive will only make things worse and that’s how the Tom and Jerry chase starts. Eventually the main reason for the conflict becomes unimportant and the things you say and do later on become the real issue.
Don’t just play games on your computer, use it to communicate so once a conflict arises within the lottery syndicate team it will be easier for the manager and for you to resolve the problem promptly.
You’ll like to go out with your fellow members for a drink once you win a huge prize! Be friends.