Plans to make the Illinois State an online gambling hub
Online gambling has been an issue of contention in the United States. The Federal Government enforced laws that saw gambling done at exclusively on an offline basis. This went on for quite some times, until the wave of change on how gambling is done were too strong for the US government to ignore. In a shift from the norm, the US Justice Department loosened its grip on online gambling and at a snail’s pace the US began embracing the elements of online gambling.
Within no time, the US Justice Department gave the long awaited nod to the Illinois state to roll out its plans for online lottery. The response from the Illinois lottery players was overwhelming with the lottery players beginning purchasing the online lottery tickets just minutes after the Illinois online lottery system went live. The Illinois Lottery made a record $10,000 in sales just from the first day of lottery ticket sales. It is hardly two months after the launch on the online lottery and the sales have amounted to more than $1.8 Million dollars.
The excellent performance of the online lottery system literally opened the eyes of bureaucrats who for long regarded the Idea of online lottery on the US Soil as ‘too foreign’. It is for this reason that the Illinois senate leader John Cullerton, is backing the idea of making the state an international online gambling hub. The senate president further suggested that the Illinois lottery should go a step further by offering casino games such as Poker on an international level through an online platform.
Through a letter to the state governor, the senator and suggested that a special division be created by the Illinois lottery mandated with a task of developing and maintaining the online gambling platform. The division will also be tasked with the maximizing of the gambling revenue to the state coffers. The recent development has reinforced the idea that online lottery is here to stay.