Questions your lottery pool agreement should include
Whenever two or more people are involved in a project they depend on each other and each individual counts on the other members of the group. There are plenty of benefits that result from being a part of an organization but there are also potential hazards that associates need to be aware of. The same goes for lottery syndicates, so those who plan on joining such a group should make sure that the members are bound by a former lottery pool agreement.
Ground rules for lottery syndicates
Among the most important things that need to be included in the lottery pool agreement is when and how the lottery tickets are bought. It is recommended to establish a certain day for ticket acquisition and make sure that no exceptions to the rule are made because compromise generates volatile situations. Obviously, there will be occasions when the person assigned to buy the tickets will be unavailable for the day and that’s why it is mandatory to have a backup. This is the first and most important thing to get out of the way, because the success of a lottery syndicate depends on it.
Another question that should be included in the lottery pool agreement is which players participate and are they allowed to buy more than one share? This issue also needs to be addressed before purchasing the tickets and no doubt should be allowed to endure because things can turn nasty if the winning numbers are matched. If the lottery syndicate allows players to opt in and out of the pool on a weekly basis, the rules need to be crystal clear. When it comes to lottery jackpots distribution, some players might receive more money if they were allowed to buy more than one share in the drawing so keep that in mind as well.
Prepare for the best case scenario
Lottery syndicates need to prepare for the unlikely scenario in which they win the jackpot, but also for the most likely outcome of scooping lower tier prizes. The lottery pool agreement should specify whether the small prizes will be divided among members or used to buy more tickets when the jackpot is rolled over several times. Just as important as deciding how the numbers will be chosen is to decide whether pool members are allowed to buy tickets privately or not. Preventing them from doing so might seem capricious and arbitrary, but it could save the syndicate from a lot of trouble in the long run.
When preparing for the best case scenario, the lottery syndicate should decide whether the members will choose the lump payment or the annuity. It is also important to mention in the lottery pool agreement whether the syndicate will stay anonymous or not, so that winners won’t be exposed by a rogue member if they choose to conceal their identity. Obviously, such an agreement will only have legal weight if all members read and sign it, with a notary signature being very helpful.
Check out the Necessary steps for organizing a lottery pool as well.